WalletConnect | Wallet Connect compatible wallets

A comprehensive insight into the WalletConnect 

There are numerous crypto wallet extensions introduced in the crypto realm. The extension was launched to ease the working of the crypto wallets on the computer/laptop. Although, extensions are a great way of accessing the wallet through the web and it is safe also but WalletConnect is a protocol that permits the investors to connect with the wallet and decentralized apps. It is not an app but a protocol which is considered safe.

This open-source doesn’t run on a blockchain and it doesn’t involve any fees. It does have an API. In this read, we will be covering all the crucial aspects relating to the working of this protocol with your crypto wallet. We will beunderstanding the meaning of it, the common problems that often occur while working on it, the compatibility and the charges involved in using this wallet.

What is WalletConnect and how does wallet connect work?

Wallet Connect acts as a bridge which connects the decentralized applications (dApps) to your wallet. In other words, we can say that it is an open-source protocol that allows your wallet to interact with several decentralized applications. With this, an encrypted connection is built between the both. Users are notified of the incoming transaction through a push notification. 

To get an overview of it, you can refer to https://walletconnect.com/and check out the complete detail regarding the same. 

How to use WalletConnect?

The procedure involved in connecting the wallet with this open-source code is as quick and simple. You can use it through a mobile or desktop, but the process to connect via both are slightly different. In this section of the read, we are summarizing the steps to connect it via a crypto wallet and they are as under:

How to step ahead for WalletConnect download?

There is no such direct mobile app introduced to date that you can install on your mobile devices. However, you can connect it to your Android and iOS devices. You can connect it by scanning a QR Code as covered in the above section of the read. To know more about the same you can visit https://walletconnect.com/

A quick check at the WalletConnect compatible wallets

There is a number of crypto wallets that are compatible to work with wallet connect. Some of the most popular crypto wallets are as follows:

You can check out the complete list of supporting crypto wallets from its official page. You can connect any of the supportive wallets and can work with them easily. You can explore several decentralized applications and integrate with the same to have a better trading experience. 

How to settle the WalletConnect not working issue?

If the user is facing the not working error, then it might be because of having an outdated version of the app or the platform that he is using. To resolve this issue simply re-check the version on which the activities are carried out. 

The other issue relating to its working is the WalletConnect failure to connect problem. This is a general issue and the solution to it is simple and can be performed by the user itself. To resolve this problem check out the internet connection. This issue majorly occurs because of some problems with the internet. The other fixes for this problem are as follows:

Trying out these simple measures will help you to come out from being in the hot water. In case the issue is still not resolved, you can wait a while to get the technical bug settled on the server side if any. You can even contact the support team to get the possible resolutions at their earliest. 

How to fix the wallet connection something went wrong issue?

If you ever face the Wallet connect session disconnected problem then you can fix the same in just a few simple steps. Under this situation, you can take an action to disconnect wallet sessions. The steps to do so are as listed down:

After doing so make sure to reload the browser tab, where you loaded the dapp and then try to connect the same. Once the issue gets resolved you will then carry out the related activities.

Is WalletConnect free?

WalletConnect doesn’t run on a blockchain. It is developed by the open-source developers of various wallets and dapps. There is no charge involved in using the wallet. It offers API access and the free version is available. One can easily enjoy the facility provided by this. You can scan the QR Code to get connected with the crypto wallet. 

Is MetaMask compatible with WalletConnect?

Undoubtedly yes. MetaMask is compatible to carry out the operations through this open-source code. There are a lot more crypto wallets that are supported by this open-source and one among them is the MetaMask, which is one of the most reliable and recognized crypto wallets. WalletConnect Trust wallet is another popular crypto wallet that is used by investors. 

Summing it up!!

Wallet Connect is considered a much safer way of connecting with wallets as compared to the other available extensions. It builds a secure, encrypted connection between your wallet and the dapps. It is free to use and can be used easily by just connecting the same in just a few simple steps.